Hi, I am Andy and I reside in Sofia ( KN12QP), Capital city of BULGARIA but my birthplace is Dryanovo ( KN23SA ) a small town ,center part of our country.
There are still live my father Steve LZ4SA ,who show me “first steps” to HAM Radio As you probably guessed by the photo, my first choice of hobbies is Amateur Radio. Been a Ham for over 28 years and have enjoyed every minute. I must say, I have met some of the most wonderful friends in this world via Ham Radio. As of this date my logs consist of DXCC , WAS, WAZ, and 5 Band DXCC, and on the 6m DXCC.
Other hobbies include Computers, Rally cars , Fishing, and Tourism.
I am working from August of 2000 for Deltacom Electronics Ltd.
There are in my WEB page, you can look a more information about Ham radio specially V/U/SHF and Contesting information from LZ side and DX Expedition around .
See you …..